Lady Christine Cobbold

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Lady Christine Cobbold. 16 September 1897 d. 1 She married Roger Hewitt Paul son of William Hewitt Paul on 3 November 1951.

Knebworth Archives On Twitter Otd 1961 David Lytton Cobbold Married Christine Stucley At St Nectans Church Hartland They Went On To Transform David S Family Home Knebworthhouse Into The Exciting Visitor Attraction It
Knebworth Archives On Twitter Otd 1961 David Lytton Cobbold Married Christine Stucley At St Nectans Church Hartland They Went On To Transform David S Family Home Knebworthhouse Into The Exciting Visitor Attraction It from

David Lytton-Cobbold 2nd Baron Cobbold. Mrs Cobbold raised a huge 8776 from the art sale plus 3881 from a raffle with her original painting of RĂºben Neves as the prize. Birth of Hivete Elizabeth Ginette KEIGHER.

David Lytton-Cobbold 2nd Baron Cobbold.

John Murray Ivan COBBOLD DL JPs Children. LYTTON ENTERPRISES LIMITED company 00972835 is a company registered with Companies House United Kingdom. Lady Pamela Margaret Baldwin 1. 16 September 1897 d.
